Değerlerim Beni Yansıtır
Etwinning Projesi
"Değerlerim Beni Yansıtır "projemizde ortak kültürel değerlere sahip dost ülke Azerbaycan ile bizi biz yapan değerlerimizi çalışmaya amaçladık. Ortak dilimiz Türkçe ile gerçekleştirdiğim projemizde öğrencilerimizin değerlerinin farkına varmasını istiyoruz. Değerler üzerine aktiviteler yapmalarını ve günlük yaşamlarında bu değerleri kullanmalarını hedefledik. Projemizde 10 Türk ve 2 Azerbaycanlı ortağımızla yaklaşık 8 ay boyunca aktif bir şekilde çalıştık. Projeye okulumuzdan 9 ve 11 sınıflarından 5 öğrenci ile katıldım. İşbirlikçi ve ortak ürünlerle ve takım çalışmaları yaparak hem akranlardan öğrenme hem de zaman yönetimi ve yaratıcılığı güçlendirme, sosyal, dil ve iletişim becerilerini geliştirmenin yanı sıra proje yönetimi becerilerini geliştirmek için ulus ötesi ekiplerle çalışma becerileri konusunda öğrencilerimizi bilinçlendirdik. Projemizi uzun bir zamanda planladık, her ay yapılacak değerleri ortak milli ve dini bayramlarımızı her iki ortak ülkenin değerlerini göz önünde bulundurarak planladık. Sonuçta ortaya çok sayıda dijital ve somut çıktılar elde ederek öğrencilerimizde büyük farkındalıklar meydana getirdik. Öğretim açısından değerler eğitiminin baskın olduğu projemizde Türk Dili ve İngilizce öğretmenlerinin katılımı ile ortak kültürel değerlerimizi yeni kuşaklara aktarmak projemizin en önemli hedefi idi.
İng. Öğrt. Nimet BAHADIR
Okulumuzda e-Twining projesi olarak başlattığımız çalışmamız uzaktan eğitim sürecinde de devam etmektedir. Eylül ayında başlattığımız ve Ulusal destek servisi tarafından onaylanan e-Twining projemiz İngilizce öğretmeni Nimet BAHADIR danışmanlığında 15-19 yaş grubu ile Türkiye ,Polonya ve Romanya ortaklarımızla birlikte İngilizce okuma yeteneğimizi Web 2 tool araçlarıyla işbirlikçi çalışmalar yaparak geliştirmeyi hedefliyoruz. Çalışmalarımızı 2005 yılında Avrupa Komisyonunun öğrenme Programının ana hareketi olarak başlatılan ve iletişim kurmak, işbirliği yapmak, projeler geliştirmek için kurulan e-Twining platformundan aşağıdaki link ile takip edebilirsiniz.
eTwinning Proje Sayfası:
Our students will have developed themselves morally!
Our students especially got bored due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Not only having distance learning but also Covid-19 lockdown at home caused them feel bored. We would like to something to fulfil their needs morally. We are planning to help our students both learn new things and accumulate experience.
Integration Curriculum of My Multi-Purpose Box
21st century education is about giving students the skills they need to succeed in this new world, and helping them grow the confidence to practice those skills. With so much information readily available to them, 21st century skills focus more on making sense of that information, sharing and using it in smart ways. eTwinning offers a platform for staff working in a school in one of the European countries involved, to communicate, collaborate, develop projects, share and, in short, feel and be part of the most exciting learning community in Europe. eTwinning is co-funded by the Erasmus+, the European programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport.These are the charactersitics of the 21th centuries education programme : Learner-centered, Media-driven (this doesn't have to mean digital media), Personalized, Transfer-by-Design, Visibly Relevant, Data-Rich, Adaptable, Interdependent.eTwing provides all these compentences and as a teacher we apply our curriculum programme appropriately. One of the most important elements of eTwinning is collaboration among teachers, students, schools, parents, and local authorities. In eTwinning teachers work together and organise activities for their students. They have an active role, interact, investigate, make decisions, respect each other and learn 21st century skills. eTwinning projects involve the contribution of each member of the team. In eTwinning, your work is important and deserves to be shared and recognised locally, nationally and Europe-wide. In this section, discover how eTwinning recognises the work carried out by teachers, students, and schools through National and European Quality Labels, eTwinning Awards, eTwinning Schools and the eTwinning Portfolio.
In our eTwinning Project My Multi-Purpose Box is integrated Curriculum like this.
-Preparing posters for the project.
E9.8.W1. Students will be able to prepare posters/leaflet/brochures
-Applying a pre-survey for students.
E12.1.R2. Students will be able to analyze surveys/interviews to answer related questions.
- Students' introducing themselves using a web 2.0 tool.
E9.1.L1. Students will be able to identify frequently used vocabulary for greetings and conversations in a simple recorded text.
E9.1.P1. Students will be able to recognize contracted forms of "am, is, are" and "have/has".
E9.1.L2. Students will be able to detect specific information about jobs/countries/ nationalities.
E9.1.S1. Students will be able to introduce themselves and their family members.
E9.1.P1. Students will be able to recognize contracted forms of "am, is, are" and "have/has". E10.1.S1. Students will be able to introduce themselves and others individually/ in pairs or small groups.
E11.2.S1. Students will be able to take part in a dialogue about likes dislikes, interests and preferences.
E12.2.S1. Students will be able to ask and answer questions about personal features.
E11.2.R2. Students will be able to paraphrase information in a text about people's choices.
- Making webinars for students about some topics and evaluating the webinar.
E9.10.S2. Students will be able to agree or disagree with others by giving their opinions.
- Evaluating March activities as students.
E11.6.S1. Students will be able to criticize an action in the past.
E11.6.S2. Students will be able to express their inferences from the results of events in the past. E12.1.S2. Students will be able to agree or disagree with others by sharing their opinions
E12.2.W1. Students will be able to write an opinion essay about qualities of a good friend by stating reasons
E12.9.W1. Students will be able to write a note asking someone to have something done.
E12.10.W2. Students will be able to write personal letters describing experiences, feelings and events in detail in relation to the topic.
- Designing a mask and explaining how to do it using a presentation, video or poster. E11.3.L1.Students will be able to recognize vocabulary indicating the sequence of events in a recorded text/video.
E11.10.L1. Students will be able to identify the topic and the main idea of a recorded text/video. E12.4.L1. Students will be able to take notes during an informal debate/poster presentation/seminar in a video.
- Preparing a video about successful women in the world with the videos or posters those students prepared.
E9.5.S1. Students will be able to compare characteristics of different well-known people by expressing their opinions.
Listening E9.5.L1. Students will be able to identify the descriptions of people's appearances in a recorded text.
E10.3.R1. Students will be able to scan a short story to fill in the timelines with events and dates.
E10.3.S3. Students will be able to talk about a historical legendary figure in Turkish history
E10.9.S1. Students will be able to talk about their personal hero (who he/she is and why he/she is their hero/heroine).
E11.3.S1. Students will be able to talk about past habits. Students will be able to talk about a personal experience in the past.
E11.3.R1. Students will be able to answer the questions about a text on people's habits and experiences in the past.
E11.4.S2. Students will be able to describe places, people and events in the past.
E11.4.R1. Students will be able to order the events in the biography of a famous person/ inventor/ scientist/ celebrity.
E11.9.L1. Students will be able to organize specific information in a narrative about a person or an event.
E11.9.S1. Students will be able to ask and answer questions to clarify a well-known / common person or a place.
E12.7.L1. Students will be able to list the sequences of the past events in a recorded text/video.
- As free activities, students can do the activities that they learnt on the webinars and they can prepare activities on e-safety and internet ethics.
E9.5.R2. Students will be able to guess the meanings of unknown words from the contexts. Speaking
E9.8.S3. Students will be able to express obligations, responsibilities and prohibitions in social life. E10.6.R1. Students will be able to identify the advice, rules and regulations in a text.
E10.8.W1. Students will be able to write a cause and effect paragraph about the importance of netiquette.
E12.4.R1. Students will be able to read (aloud) a text about cyber crimes and rights to distinguish the lexis and jargon.
E12.4.R2. Students will be able to reorder the scrambled steps of a cyber game in a text.contextual clues to infer the possible consequences about helpful tips.
- Making a meeting with students and talking about April activities.
E9.9.S2. Students will be able to describe future plans and arrangements.
E10.2.L1. Students will be able to catch the details of future plans and arrangements in a recorded text/video.
E10.2.S2. Students will be able to express their ideas in unplanned situations.
E12.4.L1. Students will be able to take notes during an informal debate/poster presentation/seminar in a video.
E12.4.S1. Students will be able to talk about predictions and plans.
E12.9.L1. Students will be able to list the things needed to be done in a recorded text/video.
- Making webinars for students on some topics and evaluating the webinar.
E10.1.S2. Students will be able to exchange personal information in both formal and informal situations.
E10.6.L1. Students will be able to analyze the situation and the phrases related to giving and receiving advice.
- Evaluating April activities as students.
E9.3.W1. Students will be able to write their opinions
E9.10.S2. Students will be able to agree or disagree with others by giving their opinions.
E10.6.R1. Students will be able to identify the advice, rules and regulations in a text.
E11.4.S1. Students will be able to share their personal experiences in the past.
- Making friendship bracelets and explaining how to do it using a video, presentation or poster.
E9.4.S1. Students will be able to talk about their abilities.
E9.5.S2. Students will be able to describe current actions in pictures.
E10.7.S2. Students will be able to describe the steps of a process
E10.10.L1. Students will be able to categorize the descriptive vocabulary related to objects and people in a recorded text.
E11.2.S2. Students will be able to ask and answer questions about their present and past abilities.
- Doing an origami activity. (Creating a zoo with animal figures.)as a collaborative work.
E9.4.S1. Students will be able to talk about their abilities.
E9.5.S2. Students will be able to describe current actions in pictures.
E10.7.S2. Students will be able to describe the steps of a process
E10.10.L1. Students will be able to categorize the descriptive vocabulary related to objects and people in a recorded text.
E11.2.S2. Students will be able to ask and answer questions about their present and past abilities.
- Designing a T-shirt activity as a common work forming the title of the project or sentence.
E9.4.S1. Students will be able to talk about their abilities.
E9.5.S2. Students will be able to describe current actions in pictures
E10.7.S2. Students will be able to describe the steps of a process
E10.10.L1. Students will be able to categorize the descriptive vocabulary related to objects and people in a recorded text.
E11.2.S2. Students will be able to ask and answer questions about their present and past abilities.
- As a free activity students can read a book and record for children in their mother language and uploading the voice to an online book reading website, school website or EBA-like sites.
E9.4.L1. Students will be able to identify the subject of a text with the help of familiar words.
- As a free activity, students can do the things those they learnt on the webinars.
E9.3.S1. Students will be able to express their opinions about free time activites.
E9.3.S3. Students will be able to talk about their preferences of hobbies and free time activities.
E9.5.R2. Students will be able to guess the meanings of unknown words from the contexts.
E10.1.L1. Students will be able to identify expressions related to school/ everyday life and free time activities
- Making a meeting with students and talking about May activities.
E9.9.S2. Students will be able to describe future plans and arrangements.
E10.2.L1. Students will be able to catch the details of future plans and arrangements in a recorded text/video.
E10.2.S2. Students will be able to express their ideas in unplanned situations.
E12.4.L1. Students will be able to take notes during an informal debate/poster presentation/seminar in a video.
E12.4.S1. Students will be able to talk about predictions and plans.
E12.9.L1. Students will be able to list the things needed to be done in a recorded text/video.
- Making webinars for students on some topics and evaluating the webinar.
E10.1.S2. Students will be able to exchange personal information in both formal and informal situations.
E10.6.L1. Students will be able to analyze the situation and the phrases related to giving and receiving advice.
- Having the final thoughts of students.
E9.2.L1. Students will be able to respond to the questions related to the topic of a recorded text/video.
E10.1.S2. Students will be able to exchange personal information in both formal and informal situations.
E11.2.S1. Students will be able to take part in a dialogue about likes dislikes, interests and preferences.
E11.4.S1. Students will be able to share their personal experiences in the past.
Prepared by all partners collaboratively.
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2021-2022 Eğitim Öğretim dönemin yürütmekte olduğumuz DEĞERLERİM BENİ YANSITIR E-Twinning Projemiz Kalite Etiketi başvurusu yapılmıştır.
Gültepe Mah. Okullar Bölgesi, Şehit Muhammet Onur Demir Anadolu Lisesi